Disney Movie Club

Disney Movie Club

We develop a custom revenue prediction algorithm using advanced Machine-Learning algorithms
Business Need
  • Propose ideas to senior management how to use legacy data to optimize the catalog
  • Set up a process to forecast revenue for each cycle with optimized product placement
  • Provide DMC the tools to forecast inventory, increase revenue and catalog customer satisfaction
  • Work closely with Alta Resources (main DMC vendor for sales data), to create a data solution strategy     for the data setup, cleaning, automation, and delivery
  • Develop a custom revenue prediction algorithm using advanced Machine-Learning algorithms
  • - Predict the revenue of DMC's product placements.
  • - Predict optimum product placement in the catalog (placement per page and size)
  • - Data Collection, Manipulation, Model Building, and Testing
  • - Propose a web-based wireframe solution to automate the catalog creation process (separate proposal
  • In just 12 weeks we were able to crunch the data and test 2 cycles with our new algorithm
  • Prediction of key product placement in each mailer generated an additional 18K revenue per cycle
  • Product placement in the catalog was 90% machine generated and 10% human chosen
  • Average of 6% increase in revenue per cycle
  • Personalization of product placement on member mailers increased customer satisfaction by 200%
Adobe Analytics, Python, SQL, Excel
Truemetrics has hired a fantastic team of web analytics professionals. ABC Family’s success and traffic growth was in part due to their expert analysis and attention to detail.
Josh Auffret -
Senior Producer, ABC Television Group
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